My name is Sierra Jacob.
Teaching has always been a love of mine, as I enjoy seeing students understand that
challenging concept for the very first time. I also enjoy the relationship-building
aspect of classroom teaching. In a Lutheran school in particular, I appreciate having
the ability to share my faith and see the faith of God’s precious children grow as
One of my favorite teaching moments came as I was subbing at FLS in the
kindergarten classroom. As the children were about to leave for summer break, I
was reminding them of how much Jesus loves them (and so do I and all of the other
staff at FLS) and those students were already so confident in this fact. They were so
assured of Jesus’ love at such a young age, which truly brought me joy!
My favorite Bible verse is Hebrews 12:1b-2a, “Let us run with endurance the race
that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith.” This
verse was my confirmation verse, which I was able to pick out myself. Though I am
not a runner, in this verse we can see that we are on the path that Christ has set for
us, but also the way in which we can always look to Him for guidance and strength.
Sierra Jacob