4th Grade

During your child’s fourth grade year, your child will experience:

Spiritual Development
•Daily Bible study focusing on Old and New Testament stories and how to apply them as we live as Christians in the Faribault community
•Weekly worship at chapel services
•Planning of and participation in at least one chapel service within the school year
•Leading of classroom devotions and prayer

Academic Development
•Multiple novel studies, writing and grammar lessons
•Study of United States regions and states
•Introduction to increasingly difficult math concepts
•Daily spelling activities
•Experiential learning in science

Social Development
•Classroom meetings on a regular basis
•Whole brain teaching strategies
•Small group learning activities in all subjects
•Increased independent classroom responsibilities
•Rocket Math partners

Physical Development
•Physical activity breaks throughout the day
•Ed. classes
•Daily active recess
•Cursive handwriting practice
•Friday Fitness

Unique Opportunities
•Animal adaptations project
•Setting personal and classroom reading goals
•Writing a biography
•Independent learning activities and projects
•Field trips to River Bend Nature Center and theater productions
•Free enterprise large group project

Parental Partnership Opportunities
•Assignment books used daily
•Weekly classroom newsletters and emails
•Multiple volunteer opportunities