6th Grade

During your child’s sixth grade year, your child will experience:

Spiritual Development
•Daily Bible study and devotions
•Weekly chapel
•Discussions of applying faith and contemporary issues
•Being a member of a chapel family

Academic Development
•Mastery of conversions between decimals, fractions and percentages, and delving deeper into the study of Algebra
•A focus on different forms of prose and study units for the novels The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and Hatchet
•Field experimentation in Orienteering and Nature Cycles at River Bend Nature Center
•Writing personal essays and an informational PowerPoint
•The in depth study of Minnesota history

Social Development
•Cooperative learning using group projects
•Weekly class meetings
•Leadership opportunities with Kindergarten partners

Physical Development
•Further development of game skills such as badminton, volleyball and basketball
•Strength and fitness training using the Presidential Fitness Standards
•Fantastic Friday Fitness activities

Unique Opportunities
•Theater field trips
•Exploration field trips
•Sculpting classes at the Paradise Theater

Parental Partnership Opportunities
•Home and school communication through the daily use of student assignment books
•Parent chaperone opportunities
•Room parent opportunities
•Parent and teacher conferences