During your child’s second grade year, your child will experience:
Spiritual Development
•Daily classroom Bible lessons
•Daily classroom prayer
•Weekly chapel services
•Weekly classroom religious art projects
•Community service projects
Academic Development
•Daily math and phonics lessons
•Language arts lessons with an emphasis on the writing process
•Social studies lessons with an emphasis on U.S. history
•Science lessons with an emphasis on our solar system
•Accelerated Reading program
Social Development
•Special projects and activities with Kindergarten and first grade
•Small reading and writing groups
•Rocket math partners
•Problem solving skills
Physical Development
•Physical education classes
•Regular classroom dance breaks
•Individualized sensory adaptations
•Friday Fitness
Unique Opportunities
•River Bend Nature Center field trips
•Spanish class
•Solar system unit project
•Presidents unit project
Parental Partnership Opportunities
•Monthly newsletter
•Classroom parties and events
•Field trip participation
•Classroom parent volunteers